Source code for tryalgo.arithm_expr_target

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create arithmetic expression approaching target value

jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et jean-christophe filliâtre - 2014-2019

# snip{
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-nested-blocks, unnecessary-pass
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements, too-many-branches
[docs] def arithm_expr_target(x, target): """ Create arithmetic expression approaching target value :param x: allowed constants :param target: target value :returns: string in form 'expression=value' :complexity: huge """ n = len(x) expr = [{} for _ in range(1 << n)] # expr[S][val] # = string solely composed of values in set S that evaluates to val for i in range(n): expr[1 << i] = {x[i]: str(x[i])} # store singletons all_ = (1 << n) - 1 for S in range(3, all_ + 1): # 3: first num that isn't a power of 2 if expr[S] != {}: continue # in that case S is a power of 2 for L in range(1, S): # decompose set S into non-empty sets L, R if L & S == L: R = S ^ L for vL in expr[L]: # combine expressions from L for vR in expr[R]: # with expressions from R eL = expr[L][vL] eR = expr[R][vR] expr[S][vL] = eL if vL > vR: # difference cannot become negative expr[S][vL - vR] = "(%s-%s)" % (eL, eR) if L < R: # break symmetry expr[S][vL + vR] = "(%s+%s)" % (eL, eR) expr[S][vL * vR] = "(%s*%s)" % (eL, eR) if vR != 0 and vL % vR == 0: # only integer div expr[S][vL // vR] = "(%s/%s)" % (eL, eR) # look for the closest expression from the target for dist in range(target + 1): for sign in [-1, +1]: val = target + sign * dist if val in expr[all_]: return "%s=%i" % (expr[all_][val], val) # never reaches here if x contains integers between 0 and target pass
# snip}