Source code for tryalgo.closest_points

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Closest pair of points
trouver la paire de points la plus proche

jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et louis abraham - 2014-2019
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring, redefined-outer-name, redefined-outer-name
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, ungrouped-imports

from random import randint

# snip{
from math import hypot   # hypot(dx, dy) = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
from math import floor
from random import shuffle

# snip}
__all__ = ["closest_points"]
# snip{

def dist(p, q):
    return hypot(p[0] - q[0], p[1] - q[1])  # Euclidean dist.

def cell(point, size):
    """ returns the grid cell coordinates containing the given point.
    :param point: couple of coordinates
    :param size: floating point number, side length of a grid cell
    x, y = point                        
    return (floor(x / size), floor(y / size))

def improve(S, d):
    G = {}                              # maps grid cell to its point
    for p in S:                         # for every point
        a, b = cell(p, d / 2)           # determine its grid cell
        for a1 in range(a - 2, a + 3):
            for b1 in range(b - 2, b + 3):
                if (a1, b1) in G:       # compare with points
                    q = G[a1, b1]       # in surrounding cells
                    pq = dist(p, q)
                    if pq < d:          # improvement found
                        return pq, p, q
        G[a, b] = p
    return None

[docs] def closest_points(S): """Closest pair of points :param S: list of points :requires: size of S at least 2 :modifies: changes the order in S :returns: pair of points p,q from S with minimum Euclidean distance :complexity: expected linear time """ shuffle(S) assert len(S) >= 2 p = S[0] # start with distance between q = S[1] # first two points d = dist(p, q) while d > 0: # distance 0 cannot be improved r = improve(S, d) if r: # distance improved d, p, q = r else: # r is None: could not improve break return p, q
# snip} if __name__ == "__main__": # generates the figure for the book def tikz_points(S): for p in S: print("\\filldraw[black] (%f, %f) circle (1pt);" % p) def tikz_polygone(S): for i, _ in enumerate(S): print('\\draw (%f, %f) -- (%f, %f);' % (S[i - 1] + S[i])) S = [(randint(0, 400) / 100, randint(0, 400) / 100) for _ in range(32)] tikz_points(S) tikz_polygone(closest_points(S))