Source code for tryalgo.dfs

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Depth-first search - DFS

jill-jênn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2019

from typing import List, Optional
from . graph import Graph

# snip{ dfs-recursive
[docs] def dfs_recursive(graph: Graph, node: int, seen: List[bool]) -> None: """DFS, detect connected component, recursive implementation :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format :param int node: to start graph exploration :param boolean-table seen: will be set true for the connected component containing node. :complexity: `O(|V|+|E|)` """ seen[node] = True for neighbor in graph[node]: if not seen[neighbor]: dfs_recursive(graph, neighbor, seen)
# snip} # snip{ dfs-iterative
[docs] def dfs_iterative(graph: Graph, start: int, seen: List[bool]) -> None: """DFS, detect connected component, iterative implementation :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format :param int node: to start graph exploration :param boolean-table seen: will be set true for the connected component containing node. :complexity: `O(|V|+|E|)` """ to_visit = [start] while to_visit: node = to_visit.pop() # exploring in top-down order of stack if not seen[node]: # hence the use of reversed to_visit.extend(reversed(graph[node])) seen[node] = True # vertex can be multiple times on stack
# snip} # snip{ dfs-tree
[docs] def dfs_tree(graph: Graph, start: int=0) -> List[Optional[int]]: """DFS, build DFS tree in unweighted graph :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format :param int start: source vertex :returns: precedence table :complexity: `O(|V|+|E|)` """ to_visit = [start] prec: List[Optional[int]] = [None] * len(graph) while to_visit: # an empty queue equals False node = to_visit.pop() for neighbor in graph[node]: if prec[neighbor] is None: prec[neighbor] = node to_visit.append(neighbor) return prec
# snip}
[docs] def dfs_grid_recursive(grid: List[List[str]], i: int, j: int, mark: str='X', free: str='.') -> None: """DFS on a grid, mark connected component, recursive version :param grid: matrix, 4-neighborhood :param i,j: cell in this matrix, start of DFS exploration :param free: symbol for walkable cells :param mark: symbol to overwrite visited vertices :complexity: linear """ height = len(grid) width = len(grid[0]) grid[i][j] = mark # mark path for ni, nj in [(i + 1, j), (i, j + 1), (i - 1, j), (i, j - 1)]: if 0 <= ni < height and 0 <= nj < width: if grid[ni][nj] == free: dfs_grid(grid, ni, nj)
# snip{ dfs-grid
[docs] def dfs_grid(grid, i, j, mark='X', free: str='.') -> None: """DFS on a grid, mark connected component, iterative version :param grid: matrix, 4-neighborhood :param i,j: cell in this matrix, start of DFS exploration :param free: symbol for walkable cells :param mark: symbol to overwrite visited vertices :complexity: linear """ height = len(grid) width = len(grid[0]) to_visit = [(i, j)] grid[i][j] = mark while to_visit: i1, j1 = to_visit.pop() for i2, j2 in [(i1 + 1, j1), (i1, j1 + 1), (i1 - 1, j1), (i1, j1 - 1)]: if (0 <= i2 < height and 0 <= j2 < width and grid[i2][j2] == free): grid[i2][j2] = mark # mark path to_visit.append((i2, j2))
# snip} # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks, no-else-return
[docs] def find_cycle(graph: Graph) -> Optional[List[int]]: """find a cycle in an undirected graph :param graph: undirected graph in listlist or listdict format :returns: list of vertices in a cycle or None :complexity: `O(|V|+|E|)` """ n = len(graph) prec: List[Optional[int]] = [None] * n # ancestor marks for visited vertices for start in range(n): # for each connected component if prec[start] is None: # unvisited vertex S: List[int] = [start] # start new DFS prec[start] = start # mark root (not necessary for this algorithm) while S: u = S.pop() for v in graph[u]: # for all neighbors if v != prec[u]: # except arcs to father in DFS tree if prec[v] is not None: # v was already visited cycle = [v, u] # cycle found, (u,v) back edge while u not in (prec[v], prec[u]): # directed assert u is not None u = prec[u] # climb up the tree cycle.append(u) return cycle else: prec[v] = u # v is new vertex in tree S.append(v) return None
[docs] def is_bipartite(G: Graph) -> bool: """ Checks whether a given graph is bipartite. This is done by a graph traversal, assigning alternating colors. Once an edge with identicial endpoint colors is detected we know graph is not bipartite. :param G: graph :returns: True if G is bipartite :complexity: linear """ n = len(G) color = [0] * n # 0=not visited, +1,-1=colors for u in range(n): # for each connected component if color[u] == 0: Q = [u] # initiate a graph traversal color[u] = 1 while Q: v = Q.pop() for w in G[v]: if color[w] == color[v]: return False # odd cycle detected if color[w] == 0: color[w] = -color[v] # opposite color Q.append(w) return True