Source code for tryalgo.dyn_prog_tricks

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Dynamic Programming speedup tricks

christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2022

import sys

[docs] def dyn_prog_Monge(W): """ Solves the following dynamic program for 0 <= i < j < n C[i,i] = 0 C[i,j] = W[i,j] + min over i < k <= j of (C[i,k-1] + C[k,j]) K[i,j] = minimizer of above :param W: matrix of dimension n times n :assumes: W satisfies the Monge property (a.k.a. quadrangle inequality) and monotonicity in the lattice of intervals :returns: C[0,n-1] and the matrix K with the minimizers :complexity: O(n^2) """ n = len(W) C = [[W[i][i] for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)] # initially C[i,i]=W[i][i] K = [[j for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)] # initially K[i,i]=i # recursion for j_i in range(1, n): # difference between j and i for i in range(n - j_i): j = i + j_i argmin = None valmin = float('+inf') for k in range(max(i + 1, K[i][j - 1]), K[i + 1][j] + 1): alt = C[i][k - 1] + C[k][j] if alt < valmin: valmin = alt argmin = k C[i][j] = W[i][j] + valmin K[i][j] = argmin return C[0][n-1], K
def _decode(i, j, R, level, current): """is used by decode_root_matrix_to_level for recursive decoding.""" if i >= j: return # nothing to do root = R[i][j] level[root] = current _decode(i, root-1, R, level, current + 1) _decode(root, j, R, level, current + 1)
[docs] def decode_root_matrix_to_level(R): """Decodes a binary search tree encoded in the root matrix R into a level array :returns: the level array :complexity: linear """ n = len(R) level = [0] * n _decode(0, n - 1, R, level, 0) return level[1:]
[docs] def opt_bin_search_tree2(success, failure): """ Optimal binary search tree on elements from 1 to n :param success: n+1 dimensional array with frequency of every element i. success[0] is ignored :param failure: n+1 dimensional array with frequency between the elements, failure[i] is frequency of a query strictly between element i and i+1. These arrays do not have to be normalized. :returns: The value of an optimal search tree and the matrix with the roots for each subproblem, encoding the actual tree. :complexity: O(n^2) """ n = len(failure) N = range(n) W = [[failure[i] for j in N] for i in N] for i in N: for j in range(i+1, n): W[i][j] = W[i][j - 1] + failure[j] + success[j] return dyn_prog_Monge(W)
[docs] def opt_bin_search_tree1(freq): """ Optimal binary search tree on elements from 0 to n-1 :param freq: n dimensional array with frequency of every element i. :returns: The value of an optimal search tree and the matrix with the roots for each subproblem, encoding the actual tree. :complexity: O(n^2) """ n = len(freq) return opt_bin_search_tree2([0] + freq, [0] * (n + 1))
if __name__ == "__main__": def readint(): return int(sys.stdin.readline()) def readstr(): return sys.stdin.readline().strip() def readfloats(): return list(map(float, readstr().split())) n = readint() beta = [0] + readfloats() alpha = readfloats() print(opt_bin_search_tree2(beta, alpha)[0])