Source code for tryalgo.edmonds_karp

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Maximum flow by Edmonds-Karp

jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2019

from collections import deque
from tryalgo.graph import add_reverse_arcs

# snip{
def _augment(graph, capacity, flow, source, target):
    """find a shortest augmenting path
    n = len(graph)
    A = [0] * n               # A[v] = min residual cap. on path source->v
    augm_path = [None] * n    # None = node was not visited yet
    Q = deque()               # BFS
    augm_path[source] = source
    A[source] = float('inf')
    while Q:
        u = Q.popleft()
        for v in graph[u]:
            cuv = capacity[u][v]
            residual = cuv - flow[u][v]
            if residual > 0 and augm_path[v] is None:
                augm_path[v] = u    # store predecessor
                A[v] = min(A[u], residual)
                if v == target:
    return (augm_path, A[target])   # augmenting path, min residual cap.

[docs] def edmonds_karp(graph, capacity, source, target): """Maximum flow by Edmonds-Karp :param graph: directed graph in listlist or listdict format :param capacity: in matrix format or same listdict graph :param int source: vertex :param int target: vertex :returns: flow matrix, flow value :complexity: :math:`O(|V|*|E|^2)` """ add_reverse_arcs(graph, capacity) V = range(len(graph)) flow = [[0 for v in V] for u in V] while True: augm_path, delta = _augment(graph, capacity, flow, source, target) if delta == 0: break v = target # go back to source while v != source: u = augm_path[v] # augment flow flow[u][v] += delta flow[v][u] -= delta v = u return (flow, sum(flow[source])) # flow network, amount of flow
# snip}