Source code for tryalgo.gale_shapley

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Stable matching by Gale-Shapley

jill-jênn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2019

# snip{
from collections import deque

# pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def gale_shapley(men, women): """Stable matching by Gale-Shapley :param men: table of size n, men[i] is preference list of women for men i :param women: similar :returns: matching table, from women to men :complexity: :math:`O(n^2)` """ n = len(men) assert n == len(women) current_suitor = [0] * n # nb of matchings so far spouse = [None] * n # current matching rank = [[0] * n for j in range(n)] # build rank for j in range(n): for r in range(n): rank[j][women[j][r]] = r singles = list(range(n)) # initially all men are single while singles: i = singles.pop() j = men[i][current_suitor[i]] # propose matching (i,j) current_suitor[i] += 1 if spouse[j] is None: spouse[j] = i elif rank[j][spouse[j]] < rank[j][i]: singles.append(i) else: singles.append(spouse[j]) # sorry for spouse[j] spouse[j] = i return spouse
# snip}