Source code for tryalgo.interval_cover

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Minimum interval cover

jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2020

from sys import stdin
from math import sqrt
from tryalgo.our_std import readarray

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

def _solve(iles, rayon):
    II = []
    for x, y in iles:
        if y > rayon:
            return -1               # island is too far
        z = sqrt(rayon * rayon - y * y)   # find the interval
        II.append((x + z, x - z))
    II.sort()                        # sort by right side
    sol = 0
    last = float('-inf')
    for right, left in II:
        if last < left:             # uncovered interval
            sol += 1
            last = right            # put an antenna
    return sol

# snip{
[docs] def interval_cover(I): """Minimum interval cover :param I: list of closed intervals :returns: minimum list of points covering all intervals :complexity: O(n log n) """ S = [] # sort by right endpoints for start, end in sorted(I, key=lambda v: v[1]): if not S or S[-1] < start: S.append(end) return S
# snip} if __name__ == "__main__": # testCase = 1 while True: n, rayon = readarray(int) # n=#islands, d=radius if n == 0: break # end of instances iles = [] for _ in range(n): x, y = readarray(int) iles.append((x, y)) stdin.readline() # consume empty line print("Case %i: %i" % (testCase, _solve(iles, rayon))) testCase += 1