Source code for tryalgo.karatsuba

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Karatsuba multiplication of polynomials

christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2022

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[docs] def eval_poly(P, x): """evaluate a polynomial in x. :param P: an array representing the polynomial :returns: the value of P(x) :complexity: linear in the size of P. """ # use Horner's rule retval = 0 for pi in reversed(P): retval = retval * x + pi return retval
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[docs] def add_poly(P, Q): """ Add two polynomials represented by their coefficients. :param P, Q: two vectors representing polynomials :returns: a vector representing the addition :complexity: linear in the size of P and Q. """ if len(P) < len(Q): P, Q = Q, P # add the shorter to the longer vector R = P[::] # make a copy for i, qi in enumerate(Q): R[i] += qi # cumulate Q into R return R
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[docs] def sub_poly(P, Q): """ Subtruct two polynomials represented by their coefficients. :param P, Q: two vectrs representing polynomials :returns: a vector representing the difference :complexity: linear in the size of P and Q. """ return add_poly(P, [-qi for qi in Q])
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[docs] def mul_poly(P, Q): """ Karatsuba's algorithm. Multiply two polynomials represented by their coefficients. i.e. P(x) = sum P[i] x**i. :param P, Q: two vectors representing polynomials :returns: a vector representing the product :complexity: $O(n^{\log_2 3})=O(n^{1.585})$, where n is total degree of P and Q. """ if not P or not Q: # case one of P, Q is the constant zero return [] if len(P) == 1: return [qi * P[0] for qi in Q] elif len(Q) == 1: return [pi * Q[0] for pi in P] k = max(len(P), len(Q)) // 2 xk = [0] * k a = P[:k] # split: P = a + b * x**k b = P[k:] c = Q[:k] # split: Q = c + d * x**k d = Q[k:] a_b = sub_poly(a, b) c_d = sub_poly(c, d) ac = mul_poly(a, c) bd = mul_poly(b, d) abcd = mul_poly(a_b, c_d) ad_bc = sub_poly(add_poly(ac, bd), abcd) # = ad - bc # result is ac + [ac + bd - (a - b)(c - d)]*x**k + bd*x**(2k) return add_poly(ac, xk + add_poly(ad_bc, xk + bd))
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