Source code for tryalgo.longest_increasing_subsequence

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Longest increasing subsequence

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018

# snip{
from bisect import bisect_left

[docs] def longest_increasing_subsequence(x): """Longest increasing subsequence :param x: sequence :returns: longest strictly increasing subsequence y :complexity: `O(|x|*log(|y|))` """ n = len(x) p = [None] * n h = [None] b = [float('-inf')] # - infinity for i in range(n): if x[i] > b[-1]: p[i] = h[-1] h.append(i) b.append(x[i]) else: # -- binary search: b[k - 1] < x[i] <= b[k] k = bisect_left(b, x[i]) h[k] = i b[k] = x[i] p[i] = h[k - 1] # extract solution in reverse order q = h[-1] s = [] while q is not None: s.append(x[q]) q = p[q] return s[::-1] # reverse the list to obtain the solution
# snip}