Source code for tryalgo.matrix_chain_mult

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Matrix chain multiplication
multiplication de matrices

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018

# snip{
[docs] def matrix_mult_opt_order(M): """Matrix chain multiplication optimal order :param M: list of matrices :returns: matrices opt, arg, such that opt[i][j] is the optimal number of operations to compute M[i] * ... * M[j] when done in the order (M[i] * ... * M[k]) * (M[k + 1] * ... * M[j]) for k = arg[i][j] :complexity: :math:`O(n^3)` """ n = len(M) r = [len(Mi) for Mi in M] c = [len(Mi[0]) for Mi in M] opt = [[0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)] arg = [[None for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)] for j_i in range(1, n): # loop on i, j of increasing j - i = j_i for i in range(n - j_i): j = i + j_i opt[i][j] = float('inf') for k in range(i, j): alt = opt[i][k] + opt[k + 1][j] + r[i] * c[k] * c[j] if opt[i][j] > alt: opt[i][j] = alt arg[i][j] = k return opt, arg
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
[docs] def matrix_chain_mult(M): """Matrix chain multiplication :param M: list of matrices :returns: M[0] * ... * M[-1], computed in time optimal order :complexity: whatever is needed by the multiplications """ opt, arg = matrix_mult_opt_order(M) return _apply_order(M, arg, 0, len(M)-1)
def _apply_order(M, arg, i, j): # --- multiply matrices from M[i] to M[j] included if i == j: return M[i] k = arg[i][j] # --- follow placement of parentheses A = _apply_order(M, arg, i, k) B = _apply_order(M, arg, k + 1, j) row_A = range(len(A)) row_B = range(len(B)) col_B = range(len(B[0])) return [[sum(A[a][b] * B[b][c] for b in row_B) for c in col_B] for a in row_A] # snip}