Source code for tryalgo.our_heap

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A min heap

christoph dürr et jill-jênn vie - 2015-2019

# snip{
[docs] class OurHeap: """ min heap * heap: is the actual heap, heap[1] = index of the smallest element * rank: inverse of heap with rank[x]=i iff heap[i]=x * n: size of the heap :complexity: init O(n log n), len O(1), other operations O(log n) in expectation and O(n) in worst case, due to the usage of a dictionary """ def __init__(self, items): self.heap = [None] # index 0 will be ignored self.rank = {} for x in items: self.push(x) def __len__(self): return len(self.heap) - 1
[docs] def push(self, x): """Insert new element x in the heap. Assumption: x is not already in the heap""" assert x not in self.rank i = len(self.heap) self.heap.append(x) # add a new leaf self.rank[x] = i self.up(i) # maintain heap order
[docs] def pop(self): """Remove and return smallest element""" root = self.heap[1] del self.rank[root] x = self.heap.pop() # remove last leaf if self: # if heap is not empty self.heap[1] = x # move the last leaf self.rank[x] = 1 # to the root self.down(1) # maintain heap order return root
# snip} # snip{ our_heap_up_down
[docs] def up(self, i): """The value of heap[i] has decreased. Maintain heap invariant.""" x = self.heap[i] while i > 1 and x < self.heap[i // 2]: self.heap[i] = self.heap[i // 2] self.rank[self.heap[i // 2]] = i i //= 2 self.heap[i] = x # insertion index found self.rank[x] = i
[docs] def down(self, i): """the value of heap[i] has increased. Maintain heap invariant.""" x = self.heap[i] n = len(self.heap) while True: left = 2 * i # climb down the tree right = left + 1 if (right < n and self.heap[right] < x and self.heap[right] < self.heap[left]): self.heap[i] = self.heap[right] self.rank[self.heap[right]] = i # move right child up i = right elif left < n and self.heap[left] < x: self.heap[i] = self.heap[left] self.rank[self.heap[left]] = i # move left child up i = left else: self.heap[i] = x # insertion index found self.rank[x] = i return
[docs] def update(self, old, new): """Replace an element in the heap """ i = self.rank[old] # change value at index i del self.rank[old] self.heap[i] = new self.rank[new] = i if old < new: # maintain heap order self.down(i) else: self.up(i)
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