Source code for tryalgo.rabin_karp

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Find substrings by Rabin-Karp

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2019

# snip{ rabin_karp_roll_hash
PRIME = 72057594037927931     # < 2^{56}
DOMAIN = 128

[docs] def roll_hash(old_val, out_digit, in_digit, last_pos): """roll_hash """ val = (old_val - out_digit * last_pos + DOMAIN * PRIME) % PRIME val = (val * DOMAIN) % PRIME return (val + in_digit) % PRIME
# snip} # snip{ rabin_karp_matches
[docs] def matches(s, t, i, j, k): """ Checks whether s[i:i + k] is equal to t[j:j + k]. We used a loop to ease the implementation in other languages. """ # tests if s[i:i + k] equals t[j:j + k] for d in range(k): if s[i + d] != t[j + d]: return False return True
# snip} # snip{ rabin_karp_matching
[docs] def rabin_karp_matching(s, t): """Find a substring by Rabin-Karp :param s: the haystack string :param t: the needle string :returns: index i such that s[i: i + len(t)] == t, or -1 :complexity: O(len(s) + len(t)) in expected time, and O(len(s) * len(t)) in worst case """ hash_s = 0 hash_t = 0 len_s = len(s) len_t = len(t) last_pos = pow(DOMAIN, len_t - 1) % PRIME if len_s < len_t: # substring too long return -1 for i in range(len_t): # preprocessing hash_s = (DOMAIN * hash_s + ord(s[i])) % PRIME hash_t = (DOMAIN * hash_t + ord(t[i])) % PRIME for i in range(len_s - len_t + 1): if hash_s == hash_t: # hashes match # check character by character if matches(s, t, i, 0, len_t): return i if i < len_s - len_t: # shift window and calculate new hash on s hash_s = roll_hash(hash_s, ord(s[i]), ord(s[i + len_t]), last_pos) return -1 # no match
# snip} # snip{ rabin_karp_factor
[docs] def rabin_karp_factor(s, t, k): """Find a common factor by Rabin-Karp :param string s: haystack :param string t: needle :param int k: factor length :returns: (i, j) such that s[i:i + k] == t[j:j + k] or None. In case of tie, lexicographical minimum (i, j) is returned :complexity: O(len(s) + len(t)) in expected time, and O(len(s) + len(t) * k) in worst case """ last_pos = pow(DOMAIN, k - 1) % PRIME pos = {} assert k > 0 if len(s) < k or len(t) < k: return None hash_t = 0 # First calculate hash values of factors of t for j in range(k): hash_t = (DOMAIN * hash_t + ord(t[j])) % PRIME for j in range(len(t) - k + 1): # store the start position with the hash value if hash_t in pos: pos[hash_t].append(j) else: pos[hash_t] = [j] if j < len(t) - k: hash_t = roll_hash(hash_t, ord(t[j]), ord(t[j + k]), last_pos) hash_s = 0 # Now check for matching factors in s for i in range(k): # preprocessing hash_s = (DOMAIN * hash_s + ord(s[i])) % PRIME for i in range(len(s) - k + 1): if hash_s in pos: # is this signature in s? for j in pos[hash_s]: if matches(s, t, i, j, k): return (i, j) if i < len(s) - k: hash_s = roll_hash(hash_s, ord(s[i]), ord(s[i + k]), last_pos) return None
# snip}