Source code for tryalgo.range_minimum_query

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Range minimum query
Minimum d'une plage --- range minimum query

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2019
# pylint: disable=bad-continuation, bad-whitespace, redefined-outer-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

from __future__ import print_function

# snip{
# pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
[docs] class RangeMinQuery: """Range minimum query maintains a table t, can read/write items t[i], and query range_min(i,k) = min{ t[i], t[i + 1], ..., t[k - 1]} :complexity: all operations in O(log n), for n = len(t) """ def __init__(self, t, INF=float('inf')): self.INF = INF self.N = 1 while self.N < len(t): # find size N self.N *= 2 self.s = [self.INF] * (2 * self.N) for i in range(len(t)): # store values of t self.s[self.N + i] = t[i] # in the leaf nodes for p in range(self.N - 1, 0, -1): # fill inner nodes self.s[p] = min(self.s[2 * p], self.s[2 * p + 1]) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.s[self.N + i] def __setitem__(self, i, v): """ sets t[i] to v. :complexity: O(log len(t)) """ p = self.N + i self.s[p] = v p //= 2 # climb up the tree while p > 0: # update node self.s[p] = min(self.s[2 * p], self.s[2 * p + 1]) p //= 2
[docs] def range_min(self, i, k): """:returns: min{ t[i], t[i + 1], ..., t[k - 1]} :complexity: O(log len(t)) """ return self._range_min(1, 0, self.N, i, k)
def _range_min(self, p, start, span, i, k): """returns the minimum in t in the indexes [i, k) intersected with [start, start + span). p is the node associated to the later interval. """ if start + span <= i or k <= start: # disjoint intervals return self.INF if i <= start and start + span <= k: # contained intervals return self.s[p] left = self._range_min(2 * p, start, span // 2, i, k) right = self._range_min(2 * p + 1, start + span // 2, span // 2, i, k) return min(left, right)
# snip} # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, no-else-return, # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
[docs] class LazySegmentTree: """maintains a tree to allow quick updates and queries on a table. This is more general than a Fenwick tree or a tree for MinRangeQuery. Here queries and updates act on index ranges. Updates can be set a range to a value or add a value to a range. Queries can be max, min and sum over an index range. All operations run in time O(log n) for a the table size n. The given ranges are in the form [i,j] where i is included and j excluded. In the recursive calls, node is the index of a node in the tree, and left, right its range. Values can be any numerical values allowing max, min, and sum, such as integers, floating point numbers or fractions (from the class Fraction). Updates over an empty range is valid and does nothing. Queries over an empty range is valid and returns the neutral value -inf, +inf or 0. If the node is cleared, then maxval, minval, sumval represent for each node the query responses over the corresponding index ranges. If the node is not clean, it means that lazyset and/or lazyadd contain suspendet update instructions for that node. Clearing a node means propagating these values to the descents in the subtrees, and updating maxval,minval and sumval for that node. """ def __init__(self, tab): """stores an integer table tab. will be padded to get a table with a size of a power of 2. :param array tab: of positive length """ self.N = 1 while self.N < len(tab): self.N *= 2 self.maxval = [float('-inf')] * 2 * self.N # init with neutral values self.minval = [float('+inf')] * 2 * self.N self.sumval = [0] * 2 * self.N self.lazyset = [None] * 2 * self.N self.lazyadd = [0] * 2 * self.N for i, tabi in enumerate(tab): # initialize with given table j = self.N + i self.maxval[j] = self.minval[j] = self.sumval[j] = tabi for node in range(self.N - 1, 0, -1): self._maintain(node) # maintain invariant def _maintain(self, node): """maintains the invariant for the given node :promize: the lazy values are None/0 for this node """ # requires node and its direct descends to be clean ll = 2 * node r = 2 * node + 1 assert self.lazyset[node] is None assert self.lazyadd[node] == 0 assert self.lazyset[ll] is None assert self.lazyadd[ll] == 0 assert self.lazyset[r] is None assert self.lazyadd[r] == 0 self.maxval[node] = max(self.maxval[ll], self.maxval[r]) self.minval[node] = min(self.minval[ll], self.minval[r]) self.sumval[node] = self.sumval[ll] + self.sumval[r] def _clear(self, node, left, right): """propagates the lazy updates for this node to the subtrees. as a result the maxval, minval, sumval values for the node are up to date. """ if self.lazyset[node] is not None: # first do the pending set val = self.lazyset[node] self.minval[node] = val self.maxval[node] = val self.sumval[node] = val * (right - left) self.lazyset[node] = None if left < right - 1: # not a leaf self.lazyset[2 * node] = val # propagate to direct childs self.lazyadd[2 * node] = 0 self.lazyset[2 * node + 1] = val self.lazyadd[2 * node + 1] = 0 if self.lazyadd[node] != 0: # then do the pending add val = self.lazyadd[node] self.minval[node] += val self.maxval[node] += val self.sumval[node] += val * (right - left) self.lazyadd[node] = 0 if left < right - 1: # not at a leaf self.lazyadd[2 * node] += val # propagate to direct childs self.lazyadd[2 * node + 1] += val
[docs] def add(self, i, j, val): self._add(i, j, val, 1, 0, self.N)
[docs] def set(self, i, j, val): self._set(i, j, val, 1, 0, self.N)
[docs] def max(self, i, j): return self._max(i, j, 1, 0, self.N)
[docs] def min(self, i, j): return self._min(i, j, 1, 0, self.N)
[docs] def sum(self, i, j): return self._sum(i, j, 1, 0, self.N)
def _add(self, i, j, val, node, left, right): self._clear(node, left, right) if j <= left or right <= i: return # disjoint intervals, nothing to do if i <= left and right <= j: self.lazyadd[node] += val self._clear(node, left, right) else: mid = (right + left) // 2 self._add(i, j, val, 2 * node, left, mid) self._add(i, j, val, 2 * node + 1, mid, right) self._maintain(node) def _set(self, i, j, val, node, left, right): self._clear(node, left, right) if j <= left or right <= i: return # disjoint intervals, nothing to do if i <= left and right <= j: self.lazyset[node] = val self.lazyadd[node] = 0 self._clear(node, left, right) else: mid = (right + left) // 2 self._set(i, j, val, 2 * node, left, mid) self._set(i, j, val, 2 * node + 1, mid, right) self._maintain(node) def _max(self, i, j, node, left, right): if j <= left or right <= i: return float('-inf') # neutral value for max self._clear(node, left, right) if i <= left and right <= j: return self.maxval[node] else: mid = (right + left) // 2 a = self._max(i, j, 2 * node, left, mid) b = self._max(i, j, 2 * node + 1, mid, right) return max(a, b) def _min(self, i, j, node, left, right): if j <= left or right <= i: return float('+inf') # neutral value for min self._clear(node, left, right) if i <= left and right <= j: return self.minval[node] else: mid = (right + left) // 2 a = self._min(i, j, 2 * node, left, mid) b = self._min(i, j, 2 * node + 1, mid, right) return min(a, b) def _sum(self, i, j, node, left, right): if j <= left or right <= i: return 0 # neutral value for sum self._clear(node, left, right) if i <= left and right <= j: return self.sumval[node] else: mid = (right + left) // 2 a = self._sum(i, j, 2 * node, left, mid) b = self._sum(i, j, 2 * node + 1, mid, right) return a + b def _dump(self): f = open("", "w") print("digraph G{", file=f) print('0 [label="lazyset/lazyadd/maxval/minval/sumval"]', file=f) for node in range(1, 2 * self.N): s = '%i [label="%s/%i/%s/%s/%s"]' % \ (node, self.lazyset[node], self.lazyadd[node], self.maxval[node], self.minval[node], self.sumval[node]) print(s.replace('inf', '∞'), file=f) for node in range(1, self.N): print("%i -> %i" % (node, 2 * node), file=f) print("%i -> %i" % (node, 2 * node + 1), file=f) print("}", file=f) f.close()
# pylint: disable=protected-access if __name__ == '__main__': # execute with: rlwrap python3 import sys tree = LazySegmentTree([0]*8) print("open with graphviz") print("help: ") print(" 2 7 ? queries range[2, 7]") print(" 2 7 + 4 adds 4 to range[2, 7]") print(" 2 7 = 1 sets range[2, 7] to 1") while True: print(">", end='') sys.stdout.flush() t = sys.stdin.readline().split() i = int(t[0]) j = int(t[1]) if t[2] == '?': print("[%i,%i] max=%s min=%s sum=%s" % (i, j, tree.max(i, j), tree.min(i, j), tree.sum(i, j))) elif t[2] == '+': tree.add(i, j, int(t[3])) elif t[2] == '=': tree.set(i, j, int(t[3])) tree._dump()