Source code for tryalgo.rectangles_from_grid

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Largest area rectangle in a binary matrix
plus grand rectangle monochromatique

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018

from tryalgo.rectangles_from_histogram import rectangles_from_histogram

# snip{
[docs] def rectangles_from_grid(P, black=1): """Largest area rectangle in a binary matrix :param P: matrix :param black: search for rectangles filled with value black :returns: area, left, top, right, bottom of optimal rectangle consisting of all (i,j) with left <= j < right and top <= i <= bottom :complexity: linear """ rows = len(P) cols = len(P[0]) t = [0] * cols best = None for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): if P[i][j] == black: t[j] += 1 else: t[j] = 0 (area, left, height, right) = rectangles_from_histogram(t) alt = (area, left, i, right, i-height) if best is None or alt > best: best = alt return best
# snip}