Source code for tryalgo.rectangles_from_points

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
How many rectangles can be formed from a set of points

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018

# snip{
[docs] def rectangles_from_points(S): """How many rectangles can be formed from a set of points :param S: list of points, as coordinate pairs :returns: the number of rectangles :complexity: :math:`O(n^2)` """ answ = 0 pairs = {} for j, _ in enumerate(S): for i in range(j): # loop over point pairs (p,q) px, py = S[i] qx, qy = S[j] center = (px + qx, py + qy) dist = (px - qx) ** 2 + (py - qy) ** 2 signature = (center, dist) if signature in pairs: answ += len(pairs[signature]) pairs[signature].append((i, j)) else: pairs[signature] = [(i, j)] return answ
# snip}