Source code for tryalgo.tortoise_hare

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Detect a cycle for a function on a finite domain.

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2023

# snip{
[docs] def tortoise_hare(f, source=0): """ Detect cycle for function f, starting from source :param f: function from finite domain to itself :param source: element in this domain :warning: if the function does not reach a cycle from source then this function loops forever :returns: c, d such that after d iterations of f a cycle is reached, which has period c :complexity: `O(d+c)` """ t = f(source) # tortoise h = f(f(source)) # hare # move to some position in cycle while t != h: t = f(t) h = f(f(h)) # detect begining of cycle t = source d = 0 while t != h: t = f(t) h = f(h) d += 1 # detect period of cycle c = 1 t = f(t) while t != h: t = f(t) c += 1 return c, d
# snip}