Source code for tryalgo.strongly_connected_components

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Strongly connected components
composantes fortement connexes

jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2018

__all__ = ["tarjan_recursif", "tarjan", "kosaraju", "reverse"]

# snip{ sccp-tarjan-recursif
# pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined
[docs] def tarjan_recursif(graph): """Strongly connected components by Tarjan, recursive implementation :param graph: directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict :returns: list of lists for each component :complexity: linear """ global sccp, waiting, dfs_time, dfs_num sccp = [] waiting = [] waits = [False] * len(graph) dfs_time = 0 dfs_num = [None] * len(graph) def dfs(node): global sccp, waiting, dfs_time, dfs_num waiting.append(node) # new node is waiting waits[node] = True dfs_num[node] = dfs_time # mark visit dfs_time += 1 dfs_min = dfs_num[node] # compute dfs_min for neighbor in graph[node]: if dfs_num[neighbor] is None: dfs_min = min(dfs_min, dfs(neighbor)) elif waits[neighbor] and dfs_min > dfs_num[neighbor]: dfs_min = dfs_num[neighbor] if dfs_min == dfs_num[node]: # representative of a component sccp.append([]) # make a component while True: # add waiting nodes u = waiting.pop() waits[u] = False sccp[-1].append(u) if u == node: # until representative break return dfs_min for node in range(len(graph)): if dfs_num[node] is None: dfs(node) return sccp
# snip} # snip{ sccp-tarjan # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, redefined-outer-name, too-many-nested-blocks
[docs] def tarjan(graph): """Strongly connected components by Tarjan, iterative implementation :param graph: directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict :returns: list of lists for each component :complexity: linear """ n = len(graph) dfs_num = [None] * n dfs_min = [n] * n waiting = [] waits = [False] * n # invariant: waits[v] iff v in waiting sccp = [] # list of detected components dfs_time = 0 times_seen = [-1] * n for start in range(n): if times_seen[start] == -1: # initiate path times_seen[start] = 0 to_visit = [start] while to_visit: node = to_visit[-1] # top of stack if times_seen[node] == 0: # start process dfs_num[node] = dfs_time dfs_min[node] = dfs_time dfs_time += 1 waiting.append(node) waits[node] = True children = graph[node] if times_seen[node] == len(children): # end of process to_visit.pop() # remove from stack dfs_min[node] = dfs_num[node] # compute dfs_min for child in children: if waits[child] and dfs_min[child] < dfs_min[node]: dfs_min[node] = dfs_min[child] if dfs_min[node] == dfs_num[node]: # representative component = [] # make component while True: # add nodes u = waiting.pop() waits[u] = False component.append(u) if u == node: # until repr. break sccp.append(component) else: child = children[times_seen[node]] times_seen[node] += 1 if times_seen[child] == -1: # not visited yet times_seen[child] = 0 to_visit.append(child) return sccp
# snip} # snip{ sccp-kosaraju def kosaraju_dfs(graph, nodes, order, sccp): """ kosaraju depth-first-search over graph """ times_seen = [-1] * len(graph) for start in nodes: if times_seen[start] == -1: # initiate DFS to_visit = [start] times_seen[start] = 0 sccp.append([start]) while to_visit: node = to_visit[-1] children = graph[node] if times_seen[node] == len(children): # end of process to_visit.pop() order.append(node) else: child = children[times_seen[node]] times_seen[node] += 1 if times_seen[child] == -1: # new node times_seen[child] = 0 to_visit.append(child) sccp[-1].append(child)
[docs] def reverse(graph): """replace all arcs (u, v) by arcs (v, u) in a graph""" rev_graph = [[] for node in graph] for node, _ in enumerate(graph): for neighbor in graph[node]: rev_graph[neighbor].append(node) return rev_graph
[docs] def kosaraju(graph): """Strongly connected components by Kosaraju :param graph: directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict :returns: list of lists for each component :complexity: linear """ n = len(graph) order = [] sccp = [] kosaraju_dfs(graph, range(n), order, []) kosaraju_dfs(reverse(graph), order[::-1], [], sccp) return sccp[::-1] # follow inverse topological order
# snip}