tryalgo package#
tryalgo.PC_tree module#
Rami Benelmir, Christoph Dürr, Erisa Kohansal - 2023
The PC-tree is a dynamic data-structure which encodes permutations on the integers modulo n satisfying constraints of the form: - for a given set S the permutations need to keep the elements of S in consecutive order. Here we consider a circular order, i.e. after n-1 comes 0, then 1 and so on.
TODO: - annotations de type
- class tryalgo.PC_tree.C_node(neighbors: List[Node] = [])[source]#
- frontier(trace: List[int], enter: Node)[source]#
Exploring the the tree and writing the leafs in the order they are discovered. enter is the neighbor of the current node from which the tree exploration was initiated
- represent(show_parent=False)[source]#
Returns a list representation of the node. Used for showing the C node correctly in the terminal and for unit-tests.
- exception tryalgo.PC_tree.Infeasible(reason)[source]#
Exception raised if the restriction is impossible for some reason.
- class tryalgo.PC_tree.Leaf(ID)[source]#
- class tryalgo.PC_tree.Node(ID=None)[source]#
This class is to group attributes and methods common to the subclasses. But it is not intended to be instantiated. Hence the heritage from ABC (Abstract Base Class).
- attach_neighbors() None [source]#
Used only during the initialization of C_node and P_node. Manages the links between neighbors and parent
- class tryalgo.PC_tree.PC_tree(nb_leaves: int)[source]#
- frontier() List[int] [source]#
Returns a permutation on {0, 1, …, n-1} satisfying all given restrictions.
- class tryalgo.PC_tree.P_node(neighbors: Set[Node] = {})[source]#
- frontier(trace: List[int], enter: Node)[source]#
Exploring the the tree and writing the leafs in the order they are discovered. enter is the neighbor of the current node from which the tree exploration was initiated
- signal_full(full_neighbor)[source]#
Receive the signal and update the counter of full elements and adds the fullNeighbor to its full set.
tryalgo.Sequence module#
Doubly-linked circular list for maintaining a sequence of items subject to insertions and deletions.
Copyright D. Eppstein, November 2003. Under the MIT licence.
Modified by Rami Benelmir, Christoph Dürr, Erisa Kohansal - 2023
we adapted the data structure to store only objects and to permit to replace objects easily. we changed the name of the function “append” to “add” for simplifying our code.
- class tryalgo.Sequence.Sequence(iterable=[], key=<built-in function id>)[source]#
Maintain a sequence of items subject to insertions and removals. All sequence operations take constant time except indexing, which takes time proportional to the index.
tryalgo.a_star module#
Shortest Path algorithm A*.
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2023
- tryalgo.a_star.a_star(graph, start, lower_bound)[source]#
single source shortest path by A* on an unweighted graph
- Parameters:
graph – iterator on adjacent vertices
source – source vertex
lower_bound – lb function on distance to target, must return 0 on target and only there.
- Returns:
distance or -1 (target unreachable)
- Complexity:
O(|V| + |E|log|V|)
tryalgo.anagrams module#
Anagrams christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2013-2019
tryalgo.arithm module#
arithmetic functions
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2013-2019
- tryalgo.arithm.bezout(a, b)[source]#
Bézout coefficients for a and b
- Parameters:
a,b – non-negative integers
- Complexity:
O(log a + log b)
- tryalgo.arithm.binom(n, k)[source]#
Binomial coefficients for \(n choose k\)
- Parameters:
n,k – non-negative integers
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.arithm.binom_modulo(n, k, p)[source]#
Binomial coefficients for \(n choose k\), modulo p
- Parameters:
n,k – non-negative integers
- Complexity:
tryalgo.arithm_expr_eval module#
Evaluate an arithmetic expression
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2020
tryalgo.arithm_expr_target module#
Create arithmetic expression approaching target value
jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et jean-christophe filliâtre - 2014-2019
tryalgo.bellman_ford module#
Single source shortest paths by Bellman-Ford
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.bellman_ford.bellman_ford(graph, weight, source=0)[source]#
Single source shortest paths by Bellman-Ford
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
weight – can be negative. in matrix format or same listdict graph
- Returns:
distance table, precedence table, bool
- Explanation:
bool is True if a negative circuit is reachable from the source, circuits can have length 2.
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.bellman_ford.bellman_ford2(graph, weight, source)[source]#
Single source shortest paths by Bellman-Ford
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
weight – can be negative. in matrix format or same listdict graph
- Returns:
distance table, precedence table, bool
- Explanation:
bool is true if there is a negative cycle reachable from the source. distance[v] is +inf if vertex v is not reachable from source and -inf if there are paths from the source to v of arbitrary small weight.
- Complexity:
tryalgo.bfs module#
Breadth-first search (bfs)
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2015-2019, 2023
- tryalgo.bfs.bfs(graph, start=0)[source]#
Shortest path in unweighted graph by BFS
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
start (int) – source vertex
- Returns:
distance table, precedence table
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.bfs.bfs_implicit(graph, start, end)[source]#
Shortest path by BFS in an implicitly directed graph
- Parameters:
graph – function mapping a given vertex to an iterator over the neighboring vertices
start – source vertex
end – target vertex
- Returns:
list of vertices of a shortest path or None
- Complexity:
tryalgo.biconnected_components module#
bi-connected components, cut vertices and cut cut-nodes
jill-jenn vie, christoph durr et louis abraham - 2015-2019
- tryalgo.biconnected_components.cut_nodes_edges(graph)[source]#
Bi-connected components
- Parameters:
graph – undirected graph. in listlist format. Cannot be in listdict format.
- Returns:
a tuple with the list of cut-nodes and the list of cut-edges
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.biconnected_components.cut_nodes_edges2(graph)[source]#
Bi-connected components, alternative recursive implementation
- Parameters:
graph – undirected graph. in listlist format. Cannot be in listdict format.
- Assumes:
graph has about 5000 vertices at most, otherwise memory limit is reached
- Returns:
a tuple with the list of cut-nodes and the list of cut-edges
- Complexity:
O(|V|+|E|) in average, O(|V|+|E|^2) in worst case due to use of dictionary
tryalgo.binary_search module#
Binary search
jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et louis abraham - 2014-2020
- tryalgo.binary_search.continuous_binary_search(f, lo, hi, gap=0.0001)[source]#
Binary search for a function
- tryalgo.binary_search.optimized_binary_search(tab, logsize)[source]#
Binary search in a table using bit operations
- Parameters:
tab – boolean monotone table of size \(2^\textrm{logsize}\) with tab[hi] = True
logsize (int) –
- Returns:
first i such that tab[i]
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.binary_search.optimized_binary_search_lower(tab, logsize)[source]#
Binary search in a table using bit operations
- Parameters:
tab – boolean monotone table of size \(2^\textrm{logsize}\) with tab[0] = False
logsize (int) –
- Returns:
last i such that not tab[i]
- Complexity:
tryalgo.bipartite_matching module#
Bipartie maximum matching
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.bipartite_matching.max_bipartite_matching(bigraph)[source]#
Bipartie maximum matching
- Parameters:
bigraph – adjacency list, index = vertex in U, value = neighbor list in V
- Comment:
U and V can have different cardinalities
- Returns:
matching list, match[v] == u iff (u, v) in matching
- Complexity:
tryalgo.bipartite_vertex_cover module#
Bipartie vertex cover
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.bipartite_vertex_cover.bipartite_vertex_cover(bigraph)[source]#
Bipartite minimum vertex cover by Koenig’s theorem
- Parameters:
bigraph – adjacency list, index = vertex in U, value = neighbor list in V
- Assumption:
U = V = {0, 1, 2, …, n - 1} for n = len(bigraph)
- Returns:
boolean table for U, boolean table for V
- Comment:
selected vertices form a minimum vertex cover, i.e. every edge is adjacent to at least one selected vertex and number of selected vertices is minimum
- Complexity:
tryalgo.closest_points module#
Closest pair of points trouver la paire de points la plus proche
jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et louis abraham - 2014-2019
tryalgo.closest_values module#
Closest values
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.convex_hull module#
Convex hull by Andrew
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.dancing_links module#
Exact set cover by the dancing links algorithm
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.dfs module#
Depth-first search - DFS
jill-jênn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2019
- tryalgo.dfs.dfs_grid(grid, i, j, mark='X', free: str = '.') None [source]#
DFS on a grid, mark connected component, iterative version
- Parameters:
grid – matrix, 4-neighborhood
i,j – cell in this matrix, start of DFS exploration
free – symbol for walkable cells
mark – symbol to overwrite visited vertices
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dfs.dfs_grid_recursive(grid: List[List[str]], i: int, j: int, mark: str = 'X', free: str = '.') None [source]#
DFS on a grid, mark connected component, recursive version
- Parameters:
grid – matrix, 4-neighborhood
i,j – cell in this matrix, start of DFS exploration
free – symbol for walkable cells
mark – symbol to overwrite visited vertices
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dfs.dfs_iterative(graph: List[List[int]] | List[Dict[int, Any]] | GraphNamedVertices, start: int, seen: List[bool]) None [source]#
DFS, detect connected component, iterative implementation
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
node (int) – to start graph exploration
seen (boolean-table) – will be set true for the connected component containing node.
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dfs.dfs_recursive(graph: List[List[int]] | List[Dict[int, Any]] | GraphNamedVertices, node: int, seen: List[bool]) None [source]#
DFS, detect connected component, recursive implementation
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
node (int) – to start graph exploration
seen (boolean-table) – will be set true for the connected component containing node.
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dfs.dfs_tree(graph: List[List[int]] | List[Dict[int, Any]] | GraphNamedVertices, start: int = 0) List[int | None] [source]#
DFS, build DFS tree in unweighted graph
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
start (int) – source vertex
- Returns:
precedence table
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dfs.find_cycle(graph: List[List[int]] | List[Dict[int, Any]] | GraphNamedVertices) List[int] | None [source]#
find a cycle in an undirected graph
- Parameters:
graph – undirected graph in listlist or listdict format
- Returns:
list of vertices in a cycle or None
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dfs.is_bipartite(G: List[List[int]] | List[Dict[int, Any]] | GraphNamedVertices) bool [source]#
Checks whether a given graph is bipartite.
This is done by a graph traversal, assigning alternating colors. Once an edge with identicial endpoint colors is detected we know graph is not bipartite.
- Parameters:
G – graph
- Returns:
True if G is bipartite
- Complexity:
tryalgo.dijkstra module#
Shortest paths by Dijkstra
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2018
- tryalgo.dijkstra.dijkstra(graph, weight, source=0, target=None)[source]#
single source shortest paths by Dijkstra
- Parameters:
- Assumes:
weights are non-negative
- Returns:
distance table, precedence table
- Complexity:
O(|V| + |E|log|V|)
- tryalgo.dijkstra.dijkstra_update_heap(graph, weight, source=0, target=None)[source]#
single source shortest paths by Dijkstra with a heap implementing item updates
- Parameters:
- Assumes:
weights are non-negatif and weights are infinite for non edges
- Returns:
distance table, precedence table
- Complexity:
O(|V| + |E|log|V|)
tryalgo.dilworth module#
Decompose DAG into a minimum number of chains
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2018
tryalgo.dinic module#
Maximum flow by Dinic
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2018
tryalgo.dist_grid module#
Distances in a grid
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.dyn_prog_tricks module#
Dynamic Programming speedup tricks
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2022
- tryalgo.dyn_prog_tricks.decode_root_matrix_to_level(R)[source]#
Decodes a binary search tree encoded in the root matrix R into a level array :returns: the level array :complexity: linear
- tryalgo.dyn_prog_tricks.dyn_prog_Monge(W)[source]#
Solves the following dynamic program for 0 <= i < j < n
C[i,i] = 0 C[i,j] = W[i,j] + min over i < k <= j of (C[i,k-1] + C[k,j]) K[i,j] = minimizer of above
- Parameters:
W – matrix of dimension n times n
- Assumes:
W satisfies the Monge property (a.k.a. quadrangle inequality) and monotonicity in the lattice of intervals
- Returns:
C[0,n-1] and the matrix K with the minimizers
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dyn_prog_tricks.opt_bin_search_tree1(freq)[source]#
Optimal binary search tree on elements from 0 to n-1
- Parameters:
freq – n dimensional array with frequency of every element i.
- Returns:
The value of an optimal search tree and the matrix with the roots for each subproblem, encoding the actual tree.
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.dyn_prog_tricks.opt_bin_search_tree2(success, failure)[source]#
Optimal binary search tree on elements from 1 to n
- Parameters:
success – n+1 dimensional array with frequency of every element i. success[0] is ignored
failure – n+1 dimensional array with frequency between the elements, failure[i] is frequency of a query strictly between element i and i+1. These arrays do not have to be normalized.
- Returns:
The value of an optimal search tree and the matrix with the roots for each subproblem, encoding the actual tree.
- Complexity:
tryalgo.edmonds_karp module#
Maximum flow by Edmonds-Karp
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2019
tryalgo.eulerian_tour module#
Eulerian cycle
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2023
- tryalgo.eulerian_tour.eulerian_tour_directed(graph)[source]#
Eulerian tour on a directed graph
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict
- Assumes:
graph is eulerian
- Returns:
eulerian cycle as a vertex list
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.eulerian_tour.eulerian_tour_undirected(graph)[source]#
Eulerian tour on an undirected graph
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict
- Assumes:
graph is eulerian
- Returns:
eulerian cycle as a vertex list
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.eulerian_tour.is_eulerian_tour_directed(graph, tour)[source]#
Test if a given tour is Eulerian for a directed graph
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict
tour – vertex list
- Returns:
True if tour is eulerian
- Complexity:
O(|V|*|E|) under the assumption that set membership is in constant time
- tryalgo.eulerian_tour.is_eulerian_tour_undirected(graph, tour)[source]#
Test if a given tour is Eulerian for an undirected graph
- Parameters:
graph – undirected graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict
tour – vertex list
- Returns:
True if tour is eulerian
- Complexity:
O(|V|*|E|) under the assumption that set membership is in constant time
- tryalgo.eulerian_tour.random_eulerien_graph(n)[source]#
Generates some random eulerian graph
- Parameters:
n (int) – number of vertices
- Returns:
undirected graph in listlist representation
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.eulerian_tour.write_cycle(filename, graph, cycle, directed)[source]#
Write an eulerian tour in DOT format
- Parameters:
filename – the file to be written in DOT format
graph – graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict
directed (bool) – describes the graph
cycle – tour as a vertex list
- Returns:
- Complexity:
O(|V|^2 + |E|)
tryalgo.fast_exponentiation module#
Fast Exponentiation
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr and louis abraham - 2014-2018
tryalgo.fenwick module#
Fenwick tree
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- class tryalgo.fenwick.Fenwick(t)[source]#
maintains a tree to allow quick updates and queries
tryalgo.fft module#
Fast Fourier Transformation
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2022
- tryalgo.fft.fft(x)[source]#
Fast Fourier Transformation :input x: list of coefficients. Length n has to be a power of 2. :returns: list of sample values. :complexity: O(n log n).
- tryalgo.fft.inv_fft(y)[source]#
Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation :input y: list of sample values. Length n has to be a power of 2. :returns: list of coefficients. :complexity: O(n log n).
tryalgo.floyd_warshall module#
All pairs shortest paths by Floyd-Warshall
jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et pascal ortiz - 2014-2019
- tryalgo.floyd_warshall.floyd_warshall(weight)[source]#
All pairs shortest paths by Floyd-Warshall
- Parameters:
weight – edge weight matrix
- Modifies:
weight matrix to contain distances in graph
- Returns:
True if there are negative cycles
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.floyd_warshall.floyd_warshall2(weight)[source]#
All pairs shortest paths by Floyd-Warshall. An improved implementation by Pascal-Ortiz
- Parameters:
weight – edge weight matrix
- Modifies:
weight matrix to contain distances in graph
- Returns:
True if there are negative cycles
- Complexity:
tryalgo.ford_fulkerson module#
Maximum flow by Ford-Fulkerson
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.freivalds module#
Test matrix product AB = C by Freivalds
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2020
tryalgo.gale_shapley module#
Stable matching by Gale-Shapley
jill-jênn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.gauss_jordan module#
Linear equation system Ax=b by Gauss-Jordan
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.graph module#
Reading graphs from files and writing into files
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2019
- class tryalgo.graph.GraphNamedVertices[source]#
- tryalgo.graph.add_reverse_arcs(graph, capac=None)[source]#
Utility function for flow algorithms that need for every arc (u,v), the existence of an (v,u) arc, by default with zero capacity. graph can be in adjacency list, possibly with capacity matrix capac. or graph can be in adjacency dictionary, then capac parameter is ignored.
- Parameters:
capac – arc capacity matrix
graph – in listlist representation, or in listdict representation, in this case capac is ignored
- Complexity:
- Returns:
nothing, but graph is modified
- tryalgo.graph.dictdict_to_listdict(dictgraph)[source]#
Transforms a dict-dict graph representation into a adjacency dictionary representation (list-dict)
- Parameters:
dictgraph – dictionary mapping vertices to dictionary such that dictgraph[u][v] is weight of arc (u,v)
- Complexity:
- Returns:
tuple with graph (listdict), name_to_node (dict), node_to_name (list)
- tryalgo.graph.extract_path(prec, v)[source]#
- extracts a path in form of vertex list from source to vertex v
given a precedence table prec leading to the source
- Parameters:
prec – precedence table of a tree
v – vertex on the tree
- Returns:
path from root to v, in form of a list
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.graph.listdict_to_listlist_and_matrix(sparse)[source]#
Transforms the adjacency list representation of a graph of type listdict into the listlist + weight matrix representation
- Parameters:
sparse – graph in listdict representation
- Returns:
couple with listlist representation, and weight matrix
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.graph.listlist_and_matrix_to_listdict(graph, weight=None)[source]#
Transforms the weighted adjacency list representation of a graph of type listlist + optional weight matrix into the listdict representation
- Parameters:
graph – in listlist representation
weight – optional weight matrix
- Returns:
graph in listdict representation
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.graph.make_flow_labels(graph, flow, capac)[source]#
Generate arc labels for a flow in a graph with capacities.
- Parameters:
graph – adjacency list or adjacency dictionary
flow – flow matrix or adjacency dictionary
capac – capacity matrix or adjacency dictionary
- Returns:
listdic graph representation, with the arc label strings
- tryalgo.graph.matrix_to_listlist(weight)[source]#
transforms a squared weight matrix in a adjacency table of type listlist encoding the directed graph corresponding to the entries of the matrix different from None
- Parameters:
weight – squared weight matrix, weight[u][v] != None iff arc (u, v) exists
- Complexity:
- Returns:
the unweighted directed graph in the listlist representation, listlist[u] contains all v for which arc (u,v) exists.
- tryalgo.graph.read_graph(filename, directed=False, weighted=False, default_weight=None)[source]#
Read a graph from a text file
- Parameters:
filename – plain text file. All numbers are separated by space. Starts with a line containing n (#vertices) and m (#edges). Then m lines follow, for each edge. Vertices are numbered from 0 to n-1. Line for unweighted edge u,v contains two integers u, v. Line for weighted edge u,v contains three integers u, v, w[u,v].
directed – true for a directed graph, false for undirected
weighted – true for an edge weighted graph
- Returns:
graph in listlist format, possibly followed by weight matrix
- Complexity:
O(n + m) for unweighted graph, \(O(n^2)\) for weighted graph
- tryalgo.graph.readtab(fi, ty)[source]#
- Reads a line from file with a space separated list
of items of type ty
- Parameters:
file – input stream, for example sys.stdin
ty – a type, for example int
- Returns:
a tuple with elements of type ty
- tryalgo.graph.readval(file, ty)[source]#
Reads a line from file with an item of type ty
- Parameters:
file – input stream, for example sys.stdin
ty – a type, for example int
- Returns:
an element of type ty
- tryalgo.graph.tree_adj_to_prec(graph, root=0)[source]#
Transforms a tree given as adjacency list into predecessor table form. if graph is not a tree: will return a DFS spanning tree
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
- Returns:
tree in predecessor table representation
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.graph.tree_prec_to_adj(prec, root=0)[source]#
Transforms a tree given as predecessor table into adjacency list form
- Parameters:
prec – predecessor table representing a tree, prec[u] == v iff u is successor of v, except for the root where prec[root] == root
root – root vertex of the tree
- Returns:
undirected graph in listlist representation
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.graph.write_graph(dotfile, graph, directed=False, node_label=None, arc_label=None, comment='', node_mark={}, arc_mark={})[source]#
Writes a graph to a file in the DOT format
- Parameters:
dotfile – the filename.
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
directed – true if graph is directed, false if undirected
weight – in matrix format or same listdict graph or None
node_label – vertex label table or None
arc_label – arc label matrix or None
comment – comment string for the dot file or None
node_mark – set of nodes to be shown in gray
arc_marc – set of arcs to be shown in red
- Complexity:
O(|V| + |E|)
tryalgo.graph01 module#
Shortest path in a 0,1 weighted graph
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.graph01.dist01(graph, weight, source=0, target=None)[source]#
Shortest path in a 0,1 weighted graph
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
weight – matrix or adjacency dictionary
source (int) – vertex
target – exploration stops once distance to target is found
- Returns:
distance table, predecessor table
- Complexity:
tryalgo.hamiltonian_cycle module#
Hamiltonian Cycle
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2023
tryalgo.horn_sat module#
Solving Horn SAT
christoph dürr - 2016-2020
clauses are numbered starting from 0 variables are strings (identifier)
solution : set of variables that are set to true posvar_in_clause : maps clause to the unique positive variable in clause (or None) clause_with_negvar : maps variable v to all clauses that contain not(v)
every clause has a score: number of its negative variables that are not in solution sol pool : maps score to clauses of that score
- tryalgo.horn_sat.horn_sat(formula)[source]#
Solving a HORN Sat formula
- Parameters:
formula – list of couple(posvar, negvars). negvars is a list of the negative variables (can be empty) posvar is the positive variable (can be None) Variables can be any hashable objects: integers, strings…
- Returns:
None if formula is not satisfiable, else a minimal set of vars that have to be set to true in order to satisfy the formula.
- Complexity:
tryalgo.huffman module#
Huffman code
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2022
- tryalgo.huffman.extract(code, tree, prefix)[source]#
Extract Huffman code from a Huffman tree
- Parameters:
code – a dictionary that will contain the constructed code. should initially be empty.
tree – a node of the tree. Leafs are of the form (frequency, symbol). Inner nodes are of the form [left_sub_tree, right_sub_tree].
prefix – a list with the 01 characters encoding the path from the root to the node tree
- Complexity:
O(n), where n = number of nodes in tree
tryalgo.interval_cover module#
Minimum interval cover
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2020
tryalgo.interval_tree module#
Interval tree
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2013-2018
- tryalgo.interval_tree.interval_tree(intervals)[source]#
Construct an interval tree
- Parameters:
intervals – list of half-open intervals encoded as value pairs [left, right)
- Assumes:
intervals are lexicographically ordered
>>> assert intervals == sorted(intervals)
- Returns:
the root of the interval tree
- Complexity:
tryalgo.intervals_union module#
Union of intervals
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.karatsuba module#
Karatsuba multiplication of polynomials
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2022
- tryalgo.karatsuba.add_poly(P, Q)[source]#
Add two polynomials represented by their coefficients. :param P, Q: two vectors representing polynomials :returns: a vector representing the addition :complexity: linear in the size of P and Q.
- tryalgo.karatsuba.eval_poly(P, x)[source]#
evaluate a polynomial in x. :param P: an array representing the polynomial :returns: the value of P(x) :complexity: linear in the size of P.
- tryalgo.karatsuba.mul_poly(P, Q)[source]#
Karatsuba’s algorithm. Multiply two polynomials represented by their coefficients. i.e. P(x) = sum P[i] x**i. :param P, Q: two vectors representing polynomials :returns: a vector representing the product :complexity: $O(n^{log_2 3})=O(n^{1.585})$, where n is total degree of P and Q.
tryalgo.knapsack module#
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2019
- tryalgo.knapsack.knapsack(p, v, cmax)[source]#
Knapsack problem: select maximum value set of items if total size not more than capacity
- Parameters:
p – table with size of items
v – table with value of items
cmax – capacity of bag
- Requires:
number of items non-zero
- Returns:
value optimal solution, list of item indexes in solution
- Complexity:
O(n * cmax), for n = number of items
- tryalgo.knapsack.knapsack2(p, v, cmax)[source]#
Knapsack problem: select maximum value set of items if total size not more than capacity. alternative implementation with same behavior.
- Parameters:
p – table with size of items
v – table with value of items
cmax – capacity of bag
- Requires:
number of items non-zero
- Returns:
value optimal solution, list of item indexes in solution
- Complexity:
O(n * cmax), for n = number of items
tryalgo.knuth_morris_pratt module#
Find the length of maximal borders by Knuth-Morris-Pratt
jill-jênn vie, christoph dürr et louis abraham - 2014-2019 inspired from a practical lesson (TP) from Yves Lemaire
- tryalgo.knuth_morris_pratt.knuth_morris_pratt(s, t)[source]#
Find a substring by Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Parameters:
s – the haystack string
t – the needle string
- Returns:
index i such that s[i: i + len(t)] == t, or -1
- Complexity:
O(len(s) + len(t))
- tryalgo.knuth_morris_pratt.maximum_border_length(w)[source]#
Maximum string borders by Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Parameters:
w – string
- Returns:
table f such that f[i] is the longest border length of w[:i + 1]
- Complexity:
tryalgo.kruskal module#
Minimum spanning tree by kruskal
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.kuhn_munkres module#
Maximum profit bipartite matching by Kuhn-Munkres
jill-jenn vie, christoph durr and samuel tardieu - 2014-2019
primal LP
max sum_{u,v} w[u,v] * x[u,v]
such that for all u in U: sum_v x[u,v] == 1 (l[u])
for all v in V: sum_u x[u,v] <= 1 (l[v])
for all u,v: x[u,v] >= 0
dual LP
min sum_u l[u] + sum_v l[v]
such that for all u,v: l[u] + l[v] >= w[u,v] (*)
for all u in U: l[u] is arbitrary (free variable) for all v in V: l[v] >= 0
primal-dual algorithm:
Start with trivial solution l for dual and with trivial non-solution x for primal.
Iteratively improve primal or dual solution, maintaining complementary slackness conditions.
- tryalgo.kuhn_munkres.kuhn_munkres(G, TOLERANCE=1e-06)[source]#
Maximum profit bipartite matching by Kuhn-Munkres
- Parameters:
G – weight matrix where G[u][v] is the weight of edge (u,v),
TOLERANCE – a value with absolute value below tolerance is considered as being zero. If G consists of integer or fractional values then TOLERANCE can be chosen 0.
- Requires:
graph (U,V,E) is complete bi-partite graph with len(U) <= len(V) float(‘-inf’) or float(‘inf’) entries in G are allowed but not None.
- Returns:
matching table from U to V, value of matching
- Complexity:
\(O(|U|^2 |V|)\)
tryalgo.kuhn_munkres_n4 module#
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.laser_mirrors module#
Orienting mirrors to allow connectivity by a laser beam
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
- tryalgo.laser_mirrors.laser_mirrors(rows, cols, mir)[source]#
Orienting mirrors to allow reachability by laser beam
- tryalgo.laser_mirrors.solve(succ, orien, i, direc)[source]#
Can a laser leaving mirror i in direction direc reach exit ?
- Parameters:
i – mirror index
direc – direction leaving mirror i
orient – orient[i]=orientation of mirror i
succ – succ[i][direc]=succ mirror reached when leaving i in direction direc
tryalgo.left_right_inversions module#
Left and right inversions in a table
christoph dürr - 2016-2019
- tryalgo.left_right_inversions.left_right_inversions(tab)[source]#
Compute left and right inversions of each element of a table.
- Parameters:
tab – list with comparable elements
- Returns:
lists left and right. left[j] = the number of i<j such that tab[i] > tab[j]. right[i] = the number of i<j such that tab[i] > tab[j].
- Complexity:
O(n log n)
tryalgo.levenshtein module#
Levenshtein edit distance
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.longest_common_subsequence module#
Longest increasing subsequence
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.longest_increasing_subsequence module#
Longest increasing subsequence
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.lowest_common_ancestor module#
Lowest common ancestor
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- class tryalgo.lowest_common_ancestor.LowestCommonAncestorRMQ(graph)[source]#
Lowest common ancestor data structure using a reduction to range minimum query
tryalgo.majority module#
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.manacher module#
Longest palindrome in a string by Manacher
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
Algorithme de Manacher problème: plus long palindrome entrée: chaîne s sortie: indices i, j tel que s[i:j] est un palindrome et que j-i est maximal et i maximal complexité: temps linéaire
tous les indices réfèrent à une chaîne fictive t de la forme “^#a#b#a#a#$” si s=”abaa” invariant: pour chaque préfixe vu on maintient un palindrome centré en c et de bord droit r qui maximise r ainsi que p[i] = plus grand rayon d’un palindrome centré en i
tryalgo.matrix_chain_mult module#
Matrix chain multiplication multiplication de matrices
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.matrix_chain_mult.matrix_chain_mult(M)[source]#
Matrix chain multiplication
- Parameters:
M – list of matrices
- Returns:
M[0] * … * M[-1], computed in time optimal order
- Complexity:
whatever is needed by the multiplications
- tryalgo.matrix_chain_mult.matrix_mult_opt_order(M)[source]#
Matrix chain multiplication optimal order
- Parameters:
M – list of matrices
- Returns:
matrices opt, arg, such that opt[i][j] is the optimal number of operations to compute M[i] * … * M[j] when done in the order (M[i] * … * M[k]) * (M[k + 1] * … * M[j]) for k = arg[i][j]
- Complexity:
tryalgo.max_interval_intersec module#
Sweepline algorithm technique
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.merge_ordered_lists module#
Merge two ordered lists
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.min_mean_cycle module#
Minimum mean cycle by Karp
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.min_mean_cycle.min_mean_cycle(graph, weight, start=0)[source]#
Minimum mean cycle by Karp
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist or listdict format
weight – in matrix format or same listdict graph
start (int) – vertex that should be contained in cycle
- Returns:
cycle as vertex list, average arc weights or None if there is no cycle from start
- Complexity:
tryalgo.next_permutation module#
Next permutation prochaine permuation
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2020
- tryalgo.next_permutation.convert(word, ass)[source]#
solves a cryptogram in the style SEND + MORE = MONEY
tryalgo.our_heap module#
A min heap
christoph dürr et jill-jênn vie - 2015-2019
- class tryalgo.our_heap.OurHeap(items)[source]#
min heap
heap: is the actual heap, heap[1] = index of the smallest element
rank: inverse of heap with rank[x]=i iff heap[i]=x
n: size of the heap
- Complexity:
init O(n log n), len O(1), other operations O(log n) in expectation and O(n) in worst case, due to the usage of a dictionary
tryalgo.our_queue module#
A FIFO queue
christoph dürr - jill-jênn vie - 2015-2019
tryalgo.our_std module#
Our Standards
Jill-Jênn Vie et Christoph Dürr - 2020
tryalgo.pareto module#
Pareto sets
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2022
- tryalgo.pareto.pareto2d(points)[source]#
Compute the Pareto set of a given set of points in 2 dimensions
- Parameters:
points – list of tuples with the coordinates of the points. Can be floating point coordinates.
- Modifies:
points will be sorted
- Returns:
a list of non-dominated points
- Complexity:
$O(nlog n)$
- tryalgo.pareto.pareto3d(points)[source]#
Compute the Pareto set of a given set of points in 2 dimensions
- Parameters:
points – list of tuples with the coordinates of the points. Can be floating point coordinates.
- Modifies:
points will be sorted
- Returns:
a list of non-dominated points
- Complexity:
$O(nlog n)$
tryalgo.partition_refinement module#
Partition refinement
christoph dürr - 2016-2019
- log: 10/11/2016 modified to preserve class order after refinement
15/11/2016 this was nonsense, moved back
- class tryalgo.partition_refinement.PartitionRefinement(n)[source]#
This data structure implements an order preserving partition with refinements.
tryalgo.permutation_rank module#
Permutation rank
christoph dürr - 2016-2019
- tryalgo.permutation_rank.permutation_rank(p)[source]#
Given a permutation of {0,..,n-1} find its rank according to lexicographical order
- param p:
list of length n containing all integers from 0 to n-1
- returns:
rank between 0 and n! -1
- beware:
computation with big numbers
- complexity:
- tryalgo.permutation_rank.rank_permutation(r, n)[source]#
Given r and n find the permutation of {0,..,n-1} with rank according to lexicographical order equal to r
- param r n:
integers with 0 ≤ r < n!
- returns:
permutation p as a list of n integers
- beware:
computation with big numbers
- complexity:
tryalgo.polygon module#
Area of polygone mesures polygone
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.predictive_text module#
Predictive text for mobile phones
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr and louis abraham - 2014-2019
- tryalgo.predictive_text.predictive_text(dic)[source]#
Predictive text for mobile phones
- Parameters:
dic – associates weights to words from [a-z]*
- Returns:
a dictionary associating to words from [2-9]* a corresponding word from the dictionary with highest weight
- Complexity:
linear in total word length
tryalgo.primes module#
Prime numbers by Eratosthene nombre premiers <n
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.primes.eratosthene(n)[source]#
Prime numbers by sieve of Eratosthene
- Parameters:
n – positive integer
- Assumes:
n > 2
- Returns:
list of prime numbers <n
- Complexity:
O(n loglog n)
- tryalgo.primes.gries_misra(n)[source]#
Prime numbers by the sieve of Gries-Misra Computes both the list of all prime numbers less than n, and a table mapping every integer 2 ≤ x < n to its smallest prime factor
- Parameters:
n – positive integer
- Returns:
list of prime numbers, and list of prime factors
- Complexity:
tryalgo.rabin_karp module#
Find substrings by Rabin-Karp
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2019
- tryalgo.rabin_karp.matches(s, t, i, j, k)[source]#
Checks whether s[i:i + k] is equal to t[j:j + k]. We used a loop to ease the implementation in other languages.
- tryalgo.rabin_karp.rabin_karp_factor(s, t, k)[source]#
Find a common factor by Rabin-Karp
- Parameters:
s (string) – haystack
t (string) – needle
k (int) – factor length
- Returns:
(i, j) such that s[i:i + k] == t[j:j + k] or None. In case of tie, lexicographical minimum (i, j) is returned
- Complexity:
O(len(s) + len(t)) in expected time, and O(len(s) + len(t) * k) in worst case
tryalgo.range_minimum_query module#
Range minimum query Minimum d’une plage — range minimum query
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2019
- class tryalgo.range_minimum_query.LazySegmentTree(tab)[source]#
maintains a tree to allow quick updates and queries on a table.
This is more general than a Fenwick tree or a tree for MinRangeQuery. Here queries and updates act on index ranges. Updates can be set a range to a value or add a value to a range. Queries can be max, min and sum over an index range. All operations run in time O(log n) for a the table size n. The given ranges are in the form [i,j] where i is included and j excluded. In the recursive calls, node is the index of a node in the tree, and left, right its range. Values can be any numerical values allowing max, min, and sum, such as integers, floating point numbers or fractions (from the class Fraction). Updates over an empty range is valid and does nothing. Queries over an empty range is valid and returns the neutral value -inf, +inf or 0.
If the node is cleared, then maxval, minval, sumval represent for each node the query responses over the corresponding index ranges. If the node is not clean, it means that lazyset and/or lazyadd contain suspendet update instructions for that node. Clearing a node means propagating these values to the descents in the subtrees, and updating maxval,minval and sumval for that node.
tryalgo.rectangles_from_grid module#
Largest area rectangle in a binary matrix plus grand rectangle monochromatique
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
- tryalgo.rectangles_from_grid.rectangles_from_grid(P, black=1)[source]#
Largest area rectangle in a binary matrix
- Parameters:
P – matrix
black – search for rectangles filled with value black
- Returns:
area, left, top, right, bottom of optimal rectangle consisting of all (i,j) with left <= j < right and top <= i <= bottom
- Complexity:
tryalgo.rectangles_from_histogram module#
Largest Rectangular Area in a Histogram
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.rectangles_from_points module#
How many rectangles can be formed from a set of points
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018
tryalgo.roman_numbers module#
Evaluate an arithmetic expression
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.scalar module#
Permute vector to minimize scalar product
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.shortest_cycle module#
Find shortest simple cycle
christoph durr, finn voelkel and louis abraham - 2016-2019
O(V*E) footnote (1) here you can add parity check of cycle_len if only even cycles are requested
- tryalgo.shortest_cycle.powergraph(graph, k)[source]#
- Compute the k-th
powergraph which has an edge u,v for every vertex pair of distance at most k in the given graph.
- Parameters:
graph – undirected graph in listlist or listdict format
k – non-negative integer.
- Complexity:
tryalgo.skip_list module#
louis abraham - 2017-2019
Inspired by count contains the gap between the positions (
- class tryalgo.skip_list.SortedDict(iterable=())[source]#
- class tryalgo.skip_list.SortedSet(iterable=())[source]#
- tryalgo.skip_list.random() x in the interval [0, 1). #
tryalgo.strongly_connected_components module#
Strongly connected components composantes fortement connexes
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2018
- tryalgo.strongly_connected_components.kosaraju(graph)[source]#
Strongly connected components by Kosaraju
- Parameters:
graph – directed graph in listlist format, cannot be listdict
- Returns:
list of lists for each component
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.strongly_connected_components.reverse(graph)[source]#
replace all arcs (u, v) by arcs (v, u) in a graph
tryalgo.subsetsum module#
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2018
tryalgo.subsetsum_divide module#
Subsetsum by splitting
christoph dürr et jill-jênn vie - 2014-2019
- tryalgo.subsetsum_divide.part_sum(x_table, i=0)[source]#
All subsetsums from x_table[i:]
- Parameters:
x_table – table of values
i (int) – index_table defining suffix_table of x_table to be considered
- Iterates:
over all values, in arbitrary order
- Complexity:
- tryalgo.subsetsum_divide.part_sum2(x_table)[source]#
All subsetsums from a list x
- Parameters:
x_table – list of values
- Complexity:
tryalgo.sudoku module#
Solving Sudoku (nanpure)
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.suffix_array module#
suffix array, but only the O(n log^2(n)) implementation, which is enough for most programming contest problems
christoph dürr 2024
- tryalgo.suffix_array.sort_class(s)[source]#
sorts s and returns additional information
- Parameters:
s – string or list
- Returns p, c:
p[j]=i if s[i] has rank j in sorted(s) and c[i] is rank of s[i] in sorted(set(s))
- Complexity:
O(n log n) or better if sort makes use of specific values in s
tryalgo.three_partition module#
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2015-2019
tryalgo.topological_order module#
Topological order
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
tryalgo.tortoise_hare module#
Detect a cycle for a function on a finite domain.
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2023
- tryalgo.tortoise_hare.tortoise_hare(f, source=0)[source]#
Detect cycle for function f, starting from source
- Parameters:
f – function from finite domain to itself
source – element in this domain
- Warning:
if the function does not reach a cycle from source then this function loops forever
- Returns:
c, d such that after d iterations of f a cycle is reached, which has period c
- Complexity:
tryalgo.trie module#
trie - correcteur orthographique
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
- tryalgo.trie.Trie(S)[source]#
- Parameters:
S – set of words
- Returns:
trie containing all words from S
- Complexity:
linear in total word sizes from S
- tryalgo.trie.add(T, w, i=0)[source]#
- Parameters:
T – trie
w (string) – word to be added to T
- Returns:
new trie consisting of w added into T
- Complexity:
tryalgo.two_sat module#
Solving 2-SAT boolean formulas
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2019
- tryalgo.two_sat.two_sat(formula)[source]#
Solving a 2-SAT boolean formula
- Parameters:
formula – list of clauses, a clause is pair of literals over X1,…,Xn for some n. a literal is an integer, for example -1 = not X1, 3 = X3
- Returns:
table with boolean assignment satisfying the formula or None
- Complexity:
tryalgo.union_rectangles module#
Union of rectangles
jill-jênn vie et christoph dürr - 2014-2019
- class tryalgo.union_rectangles.CoverQuery(L)[source]#
Segment tree to maintain a set of integer intervals and permitting to query the size of their union.
- tryalgo.union_rectangles.rectangles_contains_point(R, x, y)[source]#
Decides if at least one of the given rectangles contains a given point either strictly or on its left or top border
- tryalgo.union_rectangles.union_intervals(intervals)[source]#
Size of the union of a set of intervals
Sweep from left to right. Maintain in a counter number of opened intervals minus number of closed intervals.
- Parameters:
intervals – Counter, which describes a multiset of intervals. an interval is a pair of values.
- Returns:
size of the union of those intervals
- Complexity:
\(O(n \log n)\)
- tryalgo.union_rectangles.union_rectangles(R)[source]#
Area of union of rectangles.
Sweep from top to bottom. Maintain in a set the horizontal projection of rectangles, for which the top border has been processed but not yet the bottom.
- Parameters:
R – list of rectangles defined by (x1, y1, x2, y2) where (x1, y1) is top left corner and (x2, y2) bottom right corner
- Returns:
- Complexity:
\(O(n^2 \log n)\)
- tryalgo.union_rectangles.union_rectangles_fast(R)[source]#
Area of union of rectangles
- Parameters:
R – list of rectangles defined by (x1, y1, x2, y2) where (x1, y1) is top left corner and (x2, y2) bottom right corner
- Returns:
- Complexity:
tryalgo.windows_k_distinct module#
All sliding windows containing k distinct elements
jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2014-2018