Source code for tryalgo.subsetsum

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

jill-jenn vie et christoph durr - 2015-2018

# snip{ subsetsum
[docs] def subset_sum(x, R): """Subsetsum :param x: table of non negative values :param R: target value :returns bool: True if a subset of x sums to R :complexity: O(n*R) """ b = [False] * (R + 1) b[0] = True for xi in x: for s in range(R, xi - 1, -1): b[s] |= b[s - xi] return b[R]
# snip} # snip{ coinchange
[docs] def coin_change(x, R): """Coin change :param x: table of non negative values :param R: target value :returns bool: True if there is a non negative linear combination of x that has value R :complexity: O(n*R) """ b = [False] * (R + 1) b[0] = True for xi in x: for s in range(xi, R + 1): b[s] |= b[s - xi] return b[R]
# snip}